Color Me Light

Style, Image, & Color Analysis: bringing to light your best you!

What is a Color Analysis?

A Color Analysis is the systematic analysis of an individual’s natural skin tone to determine the group of colors that best suit them. Everyone can wear most colors, but what makes the difference is the chroma, value, and hue of the color.

The colors we wear may create harmony with our features OR discord. Everyone is created uniquely. Your best colors may look different than the person sitting next to you. In a Color Analysis session will find the best colors that naturally harmonize with YOUR features.

You will walk away from your appointment with tools to help you navigate your wardrobe, accessories, hair color, and makeup. If you wear it or carry it, you should have the knowledge that brings confidence. You'll know what works for you and what doesn't.

“Jordan made me feel beautiful. She used pops of color to bring out the unique beauty that the Lord created in me. Incredible experience.”

—DeAnna S.

Book Your Color Analysis Session Today!

For Pricing and Session Options, click here.
